About Me

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This is written by a city girl born and raised in Los Angeles, California. I'm an aspiring Journalist. I may not know about politics, rocket science or calculus but if here is one thing I know a lot about, it's music. This blog will feature new music, new bands that are worthy of your attention, concert reviews, photos from the many shows I go to, and album reviews. Any suggestions? Leave a comment.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Like Datarock?

Want to see them for free? Datarock is playing a FREE show @ 6:45pm on September 1st on Jimmy Kimmel Live in Hollywood. If you would like tickets, head over to 1iota.com, create an account if you don't already have one and request up to 2 tickets. Jimmy Kimmel shows are fun and enjoyable, I like going as often as I can.

To attend a taping, you must be above the age of 16, have a valid California ID, Driver's Liscence, Passport or some form of identification.

Tickets MUST be requested in advance in order to attend.

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