About Me

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This is written by a city girl born and raised in Los Angeles, California. I'm an aspiring Journalist. I may not know about politics, rocket science or calculus but if here is one thing I know a lot about, it's music. This blog will feature new music, new bands that are worthy of your attention, concert reviews, photos from the many shows I go to, and album reviews. Any suggestions? Leave a comment.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Arctic Monkeys: Humbug

The new Arctic Monkeys album leaked a lot sooner than expected, but I guess you know you've made it when people cannot wait to get your album.

'Humbug' is one of the most beautiful albums I have heard in a really long time. It's completely different from their previous two albums, but I like the drastic change. The album shows Alex Turner's growth as a song writer and musician.

My favorite tracks on the album are 'Cornerstone', 'Secret Door', 'Dance Little Liar' & 'Fire and the Thud'.

This album is a lot darker and a lot mellower than anything I've ever heard them do before.

I've heard from a few friends that they don't like it because it's different, but I like it because it's different.



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